Agbay Blog
Welcome to our blog! We are excited to unveil our new website and offer online ordering.
We have more information available to you here and we’ll continue adding more photos, ideas and tutorials using our Agbay Cake Levelers.
We’d love to hear your thoughts and see your photos, especially with you using your Leveler. You can now also leave reviews on our website for your Leveler and let us know what you think.
You’ll find a listing of our International Distributors and some helpful information about importing from the USA.
We are also venturing into the world of Social Media. There’s so much out there with Facebook and Pinterest, and I realize how important it is to stay connected with friends and customers. Please be sure to “like” us on Facebook and sign up for our Newsletter.
I’d like to say Thank you to all of our wonderful customers. It is you who have continued to spread the word about Agbay Levelers.
Watch for our future blogs and until then, Happy Baking!

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