Customer Testimonials

Amazing Piece of Equipment
Amazing Piece of Equipment

Kudos & kisses to Agbay the best cake leveler ever! In 1999 while I was buzzing about serving as the International Publicity Director for the Missouri ICES convention, with no time for shopping, my husband Doug discovered one of the best secrets EVER, the Agbay Cake leveler. He bought one and surprised me, little did I know how attached I would become. It is a gorgeous kitchen gem, beautifully balanced and to this day more than fourteen years later is still as sharp as a tack. There is nothing on the market that can closely match this amazing piece of equipment. Need to torte a cake from thick to thinnest, Agbay does it every time, perfectly clean level tiers in a flash. I don't need anything else; toss knives and guesswork out the window. Once an Agbay girl always an Agbay girl!

-Kerry Vincent
Author & TV Celebrity