Customer Testimonials

One of the most reliable and functional tools we have ever used
One of the most reliable and functional tools we have ever used

We have worked with Agbay Products for many years. Since our initial order of the "Agbay Cake Leveler" it has been used exclusively throughout the facility. It is one of the most reliable and functional tools we have ever used. Every cake that comes out of our facility is run through the Agbay leveler. The leveler is fast, efficient and very easy to handle. The durability of the product is incredible. The blade stays sharp, it adjusts easily and has few breakable parts to worry about. On the rare occasion that we have to replace a knob or have any issue with the product- the support and service is impeccable. You really CAN'T go wrong with the tool. Every bakery should have one.

-Christopher Garren
Let Them Eat Cake